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deja vu

Snap from the last breakout in 1905(foto: ap)

Déjà Vu takes Alien City by storm

Experts aren't sure, but think they thought it's an epidemic

Just when you think you thought you had it figured out, you figured it out that you already figured it out. Scientists and doctors are baffled, and ask "didn't we just have this already?" Local organizations have begun a study and are looking to get deeper into the matter....again.

created by alien productions

  alien city - nur einen klick entfernt...

¦13.9.2001¦ n o c h  []  t a g e  b i s  z u r  l a n d u n g  v o n

a l i e n  c i t y  b e i m  h a m b u r g e r  m u s i k f e s t