*Auszüge aus den E-Mails der beteiligten KünstlerInnen an die GATEways-Mailinglist*
*Excerpts from the E-Mails of the participating Artists to the GATEways-Mailinglist*
Betreff: Re: GATEways collaboration : concepts
Datum: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 20:43:01 +0100
Von: Martin Breindl
An: gateways
The main topic is pointed out in our concept paper: *GATEways is a topographical
project dealing with space in which various cultures go through a change of
location. Dislocation, assimilation and cultural diversity are the main topics.
Actual local sites, which (can) act as intercultural passages ("GATEways")
become intersections of a global acoustic network, which in itself is a gateway.
Locally bound soundscapes enter data pathways, travelling to other spaces.
The idea of boundaries based on the stability of the locations collapses,
wiping away the borders between them.*
This has two reasons: First, since the beginning of our net-activities we always
have had a strong interest in transcultural phenomena. We are of the firm
conviction that progression in social life, science and art (and anything else)
can only be achieved by open-minded approaches towards, interchanges of ideas
with and interaction between people of various cultural backgrounds, which (re)act
out of deep respect for the very variety of cultures. We deny the necessity of
closed borders (physical or psychological ones), which obstruct interchanges
between cultures. Global network systems like the WWW are a great possibility
to establish intercultural communication, if worked out by people of social competence.
Second: Our On Site location is the Siebenbrunnenplatz. It is located in the
center of 5th district, which is the district with the highest population-rate
of foreign people in whole Vienna (official number: 27%). The district is cut in
half by Reinprechtsdorfer Strasse, which is an almost accurate borderline between
*middle class* (or petty bourgeois) society area and space of multicultural
character. In the latter you can find places which seem to be translocated from
somewhere else. Like Turkish cafes: they are not Turkish cafes in Vienna, but
they are really *in Turkey*. You enter a remote place, when you walk through
the door. Siebenbrunnenplatz is like a Gateway in between these two-faced district
- and (because it was completely reworked during the last two years) is at the
same time still an empty hole, without life - a huge projection space.
Into this space we want (wih your kind cooperation) project possibility worlds.
As translocated atmospheres (see above) are all around, we want to extend this
theme into public space (for thre is not much of this life in public space in
Vienna). So in principle GATEways is a soundscape project, but soundscapes are
always a matter of individual perception - so we would be strongly interested in
developing individual-based approaches towards that. With all diversification one
can think of.
We have been working on GATEways since last fall. It did not emerge from political
impetus, but - unfortunately for us, as things changed - became one with, simply
because of its underlying theme. Our conviction (as stated above) does not allow
us to make *business as usual*, nor does it allow to withdraw from the project
itself - as this would be the best argument for certain people to cut down projects
like this.
Betreff: 2 thoughts on the gateways vienna sound concept
Datum: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 17:42:35 +0100
Von: Norbert Math