EXHIBITION mur.sat - a space art project ESC im Labor, Jakoministrasse 16, A 8010 Graz opening: 3 Dec 2010, 7pm exibition dates: 4 - 17 December 2010 Tue-Fri 2 - 7 pm and on appointment spacial bar: 10 December 2010, start at 8pm Sound by DJ2 (left channel) and DJ Telstar (right channel) lecture: 11 December 2010, 7pm links: http://sat.mur.at/ http://esc.mur.at/mursat.html EBU EURORADIO CONCERT SERIES ORF Funkhaus, Studio 3, Argentinierstraße 30a, A 1040 Wien Vapor Trails of Europe, live performance by alien productions On Site / On Line / On Sat - powered by Kunstradio 7 December 2010, 8pm (sharp) free entrance at 7.30pm link: http://kunstradio.at/2010B/07_12_10.html OE1 KUNSTRADIO RADIOKUNST Vapor Trails of Europe, broadcast of the performance On Air 9 January 2011, 11:03pm, program oesterreich 1 link: http://kunstradio.at/