r o b e r t   a d r i a n

(1935 - 2015)
 1935, Toronto. Lived since 1972 in Vienna.
 Works with different media including installation, model-making, painting, sculpture, and radio.
 Began working with telecommunication technology in 1979 and organised a number of projects involving fax,
 slow-scan tv, amateur radio, BBSs etc. during the 80s and 90s. In April, 1995 initiated Kunstradio On Line ,
 the web-site of the radio-art programme Kunstradio, and managed the site untill April 2000.

Selected Works
RADIATION  a project for short wave radio by Robert Adrian and Norbert Math (1998 - 2008)
TELECOMMUNICATIONS  projects for telecommunications media (1979 - 2002)
SURVEILLANCE  4 projects using public surveillance systems (1979 - 2001)
KUNST&POLITIK  a series of works and projects about nazi culture politics (1990 - 1996)
GREEN LIGHT   light and sound installation (1994 - 2008)
SEASCAPE  photoseries, film, performances, paintings using 18 model ships (1978 - 1982)
AIRPLANES  sculptural installations using model aircraft (1984 - 1990)
SMALL SCULPTURES  2 miniature sculpture projects, 1979
MODERN ART  4 sculptural installations, (1980 - 1991)
PUBLIC  2 works in public space (1990 - 1993)

november 19, 1995
last updated : april 2012